When Love Meets Love …

In my channeling of Mother Mary on 26 April 2024, she said something that was so simple, yet so profound, that I have to share it.  In response to one of my teammates request for more clarity on “divine neutrality,” this is what the Divine Mother had to say:

Mother Mary: The events that happen in your life, these are all just experiences and opportunities for you to shine the brilliance that you are. Never forget, no matter what the situation is, who you are and why you’re here. You are that presence of Love to all around you, to all situations.

“So [regarding] the question at the beginning about “divine neutrality,” the neutrality is born in the idea that you are Love. Everyone else that you encounter is Love. How can there be any conflict when Love meets Love? Keep this in mind at all times, and you will find that there is no particular reason for conflict. That is an egoic construct born in the thought of separation, but you are all one … and one with Me — One in the presence of Love. How can there be any conflict in reality?

“Continue to ponder that as you go about your days, no matter what situation you face. You well know what has become known as the Mother’s Litmus Test — Does it feel like Love? [But it is] not just [whether] it feels like Love, but how do you respond when you know it IS Love?

“All experiences are the construct that you have put before yourself in order to experience yet another aspect of that and very quickly you will learn, you will realize, that conflict is pointless. It has no meaning.

“Now is the time to show yourselves as the beings of Love that you are and to show all others they are as well. There can be no malice of thought in that.”

In a subsequent channeling on 10 May 2024, I asked Yeshua about Sacred Union (with ourselves) and Unity Consciousness, and he expanded on the Mother’s point:

Yeshua: You chose to have this experience for a reason. Yes, it is fraught with its own difficulties, but don’t lose sight of the point behind it all — to learn something about yourselves and who you are and what that means to be part of the Divine Source, as we all are. It was to experience a new aspect of yourself that is less obvious in the higher dimensions but smacks you right in the face when you’re here in physicality!

“But at the end of the day, it is all about learning who you are, which ultimately means establishing or reestablishing or recognizing the Sacred Union with yourself. Think about what those two words mean: “Union” [is] conjoining together, being one, re-integrating with yourself, your whole self, all aspects of yourself; and “Sacred,” because you are part of the Divine. It is recognizing yourself for being one with [and] part of the Divine — Mother-Father-One, all archangels and angels, ascended masters, all of us. We are all part of you. You are part of us. We are all the same substance. At the end of the day, we are all part of the consciousness of the One.

“As you channeled the Mother last time, she said, “How can there be any conflict when Love meets Love? [It’s a] beautiful expression, is that not? It is recognizing, number one, that you are Love. And when you meet another, whoever “other” is, whatever “other” is, that too is Love. And when Love meets Love, there is the recognition that we are one, that we are the same, and how can there be any conflict in that?

“This is the grand lesson. Everything that you are learning, all the spiritual lessons, come down to this one point. You are Divine, and the expression of that is Love. And when you come to realize that you are Love, i.e. you are the Divine, then all other problems melt away, for there can be no conflict when Love meets Love.

“[It] seems so simple, does it not? And yet this is the lesson that everyone spends so many lifetimes, thousands of lifetimes, coming to accept and integrate fully into their being. But it is so simple.”

I’ve been questioning lately when I was going to hear a channeled message with “new” content, and these two messages certainly provided an answer.  This was fabulous!  I hope you find it as profound as I have.


Since these channelings, the inspirations keep coming.  I’m no poet (in fact, I can recall only ever attempting a poem once since grade school), but the phrase “When Love Meets Love” is so catchy, I felt inspired to pen the following:  🤦‍♂️😉

How can there be any conflict when Love meets Love?  It is the hope of this revelation, When within us we find Heaven above, That ends a belief in separation.

There soon would be no division When all realize we are One.  And I can see in my vision That the revolution has begun.

With our hearts light and full of love And our connections growing, I see the presence of a Dove And an abundance of peace flowing.

This may seem like something new, But it’s really a return to what once was.  If we would only accept it as true That, in fact, We Are Love!

Preceding the end of conflict, And the rise of peace I speak of, There is nothing to contradict When Love meets Love.

Archangel Mikael on Connectedness (and Clearing)

[Since my posting from Lao Tzu talked about the Balance between Hope and Connectedness, it makes sense to me to follow up with a message on each of those individually — the previous one on Hope, and this one on Connectedness (from Archangel Mikael).  — Rob]

Rob: I can’t get Archangel Mikael out of my head, so it must be him.

AA Mikael: Yep, it’s me, Mikael.

Rob: Welcome, Mikael. Is there anything that you would like to share, perhaps about the idea of connectedness?

AA Mikael: Thank you, Rob, for the invitation. Thank you, all. As we always say, it is such a joy to join you in this circle.

To speak about connectedness, I would suggest to you all [to] just look around. Look at who you are connected to now. Do you BELIEVE that you are, in fact, connected as one to all in this circle? As you come together regularly, you experience this connectedness, that heart-to-heart connection with what seems to you as another. But at the end of the day, you’re all one, and you are one with us. It is simply a matter of accepting that, believing that, or knowing that that is true. Connectedness stems from, is a product of, the knowing that you are, in fact, all one, that you are one with all.

So it is tied intimately to that absolute knowing [of] what you in the Keys to Self have labeled as hope. Hope is going through the world, approaching all aspects of life, from the perspective of knowing that you are, in fact, a member of Heaven, remembering that that is true.

And connectedness is acknowledging that there is no action that you can take, there is no thought that you can hold, no feeling that you can feel that does not affect all around you. So with that comes a great responsibility to take ownership of what it is that you are doing, thinking, feeling, for it is having an effect. Understand that; believe that. And once you do, you will naturally start to modify what it is that you are doing, when you realize the impact you are having, whether you consciously think it or not, whether you consciously accept it or not.

But there’s also tied with that the whole notion of the faith that you hold that you will do no harm, that all is for the highest good. You are here on planet as OUR team members for a reason. You know what you’re doing. You are a master at your craft, and you are doing fabulously. Have no fear of that. There is nothing that you can do that is the wrong step. You may feel that way at times, but more often than not, that is just an artifact of clearing the energy, the old energies, that no longer serve, either you, your circle, or the rest of the planet.

So proceed in faith, knowing what impact you are having on all! And we could not be more thrilled at your progress, at the good that you are doing across the entire planet. It won’t be long now. Hold tight and proceed in the knowing.

With that, we’ll see if anyone has any questions for me.

Spirit Cafe is on Saturday!

Please join us in a free, international, spirited conversation this Saturday from 11 am- noon, New York time. Here’s the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81970023054

Photo by Chevanon Photography on Pexels.com

This month we’ll begin with this idea, suggested by Sue Scofield:

 “Instead of seeing situations (like like the chaos and unrest on campuses right now) that we judge,  let’s focus on what we would want it to be?  Take the energy out of the issue and direct it to what it could be.

 So… bring your cuppa and your unique perspective!!

There’s a lot more on our Spirit Cafe page:

The Magdalena on Hope

[Since my last posting was Lao Tzu talking about the Balance between Hope and Connectedness, it makes sense to me to follow up with a message on each of those individually — this one on Hope (from Mary Magdalene).  — Rob]

Rob: I drew a card earlier on Hope from the Magdalena, so I’m thinking we’re going to have a conversation with her. Magdalena joins me from my right side. She’s almost skipping — kind of jumping — her way over.

Mary, thank you so much for joining me. You’re clearly in a good mood today. Do you have any messages for me?

Magdalena: Oh yes, Rob. Thank you so much. This is such a great day! I hope you spend the day in a state of joy, for what is there not to feel joyful about? You’re with your dear friends; you’re having a good time; communicating with all of us: what’s not to enjoy?!

You drew the card today of Hope. I would like to say a few words. Hope is intimately tied with the feeling of Joy, for in the feeling of Hope, how can one not feel joyful? Hope is rooted in the understanding that you ARE One, that you are part of the Mother’s Divine Radiance, the part of that Universal Love that animates everything. That knowing is inherently hopeful. All will be right with the world, with your life, with your relationships, your partnerships. It all comes from the same place.

And, yes, as you surmised, it’s all tied together with balance and humility and alignment and surrender and your deepest passions. I embodied all these qualities, and so do you. So do all of you. Go within as often as you think of it, and feel them. Feel each of those. They’re all tied together.

But just as the Keys of Heaven are all rooted in Love, the Keys to your sweet Self are all rooted in Hope, that you are one with each other and with heaven.

Again, I come back to the beginning. How can this not fill you with a sense of Joy with each and every breath? Life is meant to be fun. And it can be, will be, it is, as soon as you accept this — your role in it, in the world, in the basis of your very existence. You are here to be an expression of Joy. And in sharing that with everyone enough, you are then an expression of Hope.

We love you all dearly. And we are so happy for the progress you’re all making in rediscovering yourselves.

With that, I throw you all the biggest hug! With our love, farewell.

Lao Tzu on the Balance Between Hope and Connectedness

[This conversation is a prime example of how easy it is to ask the Company of Heaven whenever we have questions and difficulties which allude us — they’re always there and always willing to help. All we have to do is ask. — Rob]

Rob: Thank you, Lao Tzu, for joining me. I wonder if you can talk to me some more about the connection between Hope and Connectedness, anything that I can use to better explain this connection within the Infinity Keys? It’s always been a weak area for me.

Lao Tzu: Thank you, Rob, for joining me today here in this beautiful setting, this serene setting. You got the card today on Hope; it’s a good theme for this time, this time within the ages of humanity. It should be a time of great hope.

So yes, as you describe it, it is the deep knowing that there is a Heaven, that you are part of it — that we are all part of it — living from the perspective that there is no way to be separated from that state. The card itself talks about being able to pierce through the illusions. That is so important these days. There’s so much that’s going to come to light that shows everyone just how much of an illusion exists within this physical reality.

So Hope is being able to stay centered in the midst of all of that. Archangel Michael often reminds you to stay centered in times of chaos, and as you learned the other day, chaos is really just the state of change. And the big change that everyone is going to have to wrap their heads around is just how much of an illusion so-called reality actually is. So Hope is living from the perspective of understanding the big picture of where you are headed and staying centered. And staying centered is really another term for remaining in balance.

As you know, Balance is the final step within the Keys to Self. It is the top of the loop comprising the self, immediately after Hope. Really holding on to that knowing of your role within Heaven brings you to the point of balance. Yes, balance is centered within your own heart, but it is also the top, the apex, the crown of the Self, coming to realize that the Middle Way is the path to Heaven. But at the same time, Balance is also the base of Heaven, the foundation on which all the other Keys to Heaven rest.

And the whole notion of Hope, why you have that knowing is because inside you know you are connected to everything else. There is nothing in the universe to which you are not connected. You are part and parcel of that same energy. This thought, this belief, this understanding is what brings that hope. It’s the mechanism that allows all of the revelations of heaven to happen. But it’s all based in a state of balance, again, the foundation of Heaven.

I trust that this has helped to some degree, at least to give you something else to think about, another aspect. As you are aware, there is so much within the Infinity Keys diagram that continues to unfold for you, and we encourage you to continue to seek additional revelations. There’s always more.

So with that, I’ll be quiet for a while and see if your teammate has any questions for me.

Sanat Kumara on Unity Consciousness (and Channeling)

[On the surface, Unity Consciousness seems like such an easy concept to understand, but in reality, applying that in our lives is another matter entirely! 😉 — Rob]

Rob: Now I have Sanat Kumara, so I guess that’s who this is gonna be. I’m going to sit on the bench. He’s coming in from my right. I feel like I should stand …

So Sanat Kumara, to what do I owe this honor? I don’t have a particular question, although I drew the card on the Universal Law of Unification. Is that the nature of your message?

Sanat Kumara: Welcome, all. Yes, this is Sanat Kumara, but as always, you may call me Raj. I know you were laughing about the title of Ancient of Days. Not a particular title that I would put on myself, but such titles are what they are.

I would like to address the notion of unity consciousness. This has been on your mind of late; in particular, how does one truly feel in unity with all that is transpiring in the world. And I feel you know the answer. Intellectually you get it, but that’s not the point of the question. The question is how do you feel?

And as with all feelings, it begins (and it ends) with love. Regardless of what you see in the world, whether you appreciate it, whether you feel an affection for whatever it is that you’re witnessing (most often to family, friends, loved ones), or whether it is events in the world that you don’t particularly care for, at the end of the day, you are one with all. It matters not.

The question is how do you feel? If you feel in any way unsettled by what you witness, as Mother Mary has so often advocated, take that moment, settle back into your heart, drop in, and feel — feel the love that is there. It’s always there. It’s what animates you — the energy that your teammate so fondly speaks of.

Feel that. Project that out to what it is that you’re witnessing — your own ritual of breathing the love up, connecting with One; down, connecting with Mother Gaia; back to your heart; and project that love, that energy out to all that you see, [with] no judgement. That will help return whatever you witness back to the Heart of One.

At the end of the day, though, the only thing that matters to you is how you feel. You cannot affect the feelings, the beliefs, the understandings of any others. All you can control, all you can care for are your own feelings, your own beliefs, your own understandings. Start there … and you will find it will end there as well.

I hope you find that comforting. Perhaps others have questions for me.

Archangel Gabrielle on Feeling the Energy and Feeling the Joy

[This message is really getting at the heart of Unity Consciousness (pardon the pun!), which is so important these days! Enjoy! — Rob]

Rob: I’m seeing Gabrielle come down from above … of course, with the golden bubbles!

Gabrielle, thank you for joining me. Is there anything in particular that you would like to share? I’m not sure what to ask about or whether I have any topic in mind. [Pause] I’m not immediately feeling any particular connection …

AA Gabrielle: Yes, Rob, this is Gabrielle, Trumpet of Truth, Lily of Love, Messenger of One. And yes, I said all those labels just for you. 🙂

I just wanted to come today to say how much we appreciate you attempting to live from your heart. This is your point of focus at the moment, and we applaud you for your efforts, for helping others that you know who are sick and are in need of healing energy and love, for helping your teammates through any questions they may have. This is the start of learning to live in your heart consciously, and for you, that is the key. It is the point, learning to do this consciously throughout your day.

This is why it’s so important for you to be joined with your teammates. Others are doing this and are showing you the way. This is all helpful. You help each other. This is the beginning of building Unity Consciousness.

You still feel that it’s a struggle to feel the energy in your physical form. I would remind you that is only one aspect … and it’s actually not necessary. Just holding the intent of expressing the energy and feeling what is returned to you, for as you’ve been noting recently, starting last week, that in all giving there is an equal amount, if not an amplified amount, of return, of receiving. Just being consciously aware that you are receiving for every act of giving makes it real. It IS happening. Whether you feel it physically or not — initially — does not matter.

That will come as you learn to focus on it. Again for you, it’s all about setting aside your mental mind — getting out of your own way, as you like to say. Again, it will come with practice … but it takes practice. You have to make the conscious decision throughout your day to let go of your thinking. Stop thinking, and start feeling. And with practice, you will understand the shifts in energy — very subtle at first … perhaps not so subtle. But whenever it occurs, recognize when it is happening and trust that your feelings are real. In fact, that is the only part that is actually real.

And as the message on the card expresses, feeling the Joy in all things and making the conscious decision to choose to feel the Joy is one of the primary ways to get to that point of feeling all energy shifts. It puts you in the right frame of receptiveness.

So we are so proud that the other day you actually stopped in the midst of a difficult situation and thought, “Choose Love.” Love and Joy, they’re the same. It’s all the same. They all stem from the same energy. Feeling Love engenders the feeling of Joy. They’re all the same. So well done you! 🙂

With that, I will open the floor and see if there are any questions from your teammates.

Mother Earth Speaks

At last Spring is here in Maine! And Earth Day moved me to ‘kneel and kiss the ground’, tuck in some pansies raised on my daughter’s organic farm, and spend a few hours picking up plastic flotsam on the beach. I hope you, too, found a way to bless and honor our connection to our beautiful planet. I want to share this amazing channeling with you, along with my hope and faith that ultimately all will be well. Love, Jennifer

I Am your Mother, Gaia. I am daughter of the Great Mother. I am Archangel and I am the form of the Divine Mother in physicality, just as you can take physicality in many ways and you are also tucked into the heart of the Great Mother. And you beam forth also from the heart of the Mother as an aspect of Her. 

I am not limited to my Archangel self. Or in fact to my physical body, although I have held this body for a very long time. I will not state my years as they are a mystery even to me, in the ways in which we count change over the eons. The ways in which people keep track is irrelevant to me, because I am here for you. I will always love you and I will always be as Mother to you. But I may not always and you will not always be in this physical relationship. 

So let us enjoy it while we are here. Let us take one another’s hand. Lie upon my belly, gaze upon my beauty.  Be fulfilled. Know that I give you my water. I give you the plants from my soil. I give you all manner of food and fruit and nut, in those things which you can receive gently. I am most happy to nurture you and I, in turn, am deeply nurtured by your presence, as love, as light, as the knowing loving ones. 

Your light comes from your spirit. Your light shines through your physicality. You are lit.  You are a light but you do not burn down; your wick is not finite in the same way as those that you burn as candles. You have an infinite wick. Your cord emanates from me as Divine Mother and it stretches and settles, and nestles you into me, as Earth Mother. 

And I am so grateful to you for your presence and for your love, for your very Beingness with me in this adventure of physicality.  And I hear your heart and I know that you deeply love me and you support my health and you support my healing and you support my continuing, my flourishing, my rehabilitation. This is all done as we speak. This is all accomplished through your heart’s desire,  your collective heart’s desire, and I speak of all souls who have great love for my physical body and my spirit inhabiting within all life, on planet, on my Surface, within my heart. 

I am grateful. I am proud of you. I am delighted with you. You are helping me tremendously, but do not feel burdened. It is not something that is to wear at you or eat away at you or fret you, and when you come upon those who are fretted, who are deeply troubled at the notion that I might not continue, it does no good to argue or to present your faith with words, but this is where shining with your knowing in a quiet, peaceful way, shining through your eyes, shining through your heart. It is discernible and yet not troubling to the rational mind. 

So, know that you also know how to shine your peace, shine your delight, shine your mercy, shine your compassion and your gentleness, shine your faith – your deep and abiding faith – as you abide in me and I abide in you.

I am so glad to have these moments with you, through voice, through energy, through light, through trust, through the little froggies that cover my surface in so many beautiful forms. You, too, have traversed the light, in the air, the waters, you are at home in the mud and you leap fearlessly.  I’m delighted with your image. 

I hope you will remember that you are at home in Me and I am at home in you. Farewell my beloved ones. Frolic in peace.

Mother Earth Speaks, channeled by Jennifer Donaldson  April 22, 2024

Yeshua on Choosing Love

[Once again, I chose a card to see if it would offer a topic for the channeling, and I was not disappointed! While the message was directed at me, personally, it’s great advice for everyone! — Rob]

Rob: I’m sitting in the middle of all my guides; they’re all around. But we’re going to have the conversation with Yeshua …

So Yeshua, what would you like to share? Anything with the card on Choosing Love and how I’ve been feeling the energies somewhat disconcerting?

Yeshua: Thank you for inviting me, Rob. It is always such a pleasure to speak with you, though today, as we sit here amongst your circle of all your guides, we collectively wanted to reassure you that we’re all here. We’re all behind you, no matter what is happening in your life. Sometimes it’s tumultuous. Sometimes it’s a little unsettling. But we’re always here for you. It’s a matter of reaching out when you feel that way.

Today was another day of feeling those human emotions, as you described, for no apparent reason, coming out of the middle of nowhere. It’s okay. It happens. That’s what being human is. You all as humans on planet are dealing with such burdens every day, energies hitting the planet that may feel uncomfortable, may feel unsettling. And the fact that you are working your way through that is, in itself, remarkable!

So don’t get down on yourself about what you are witnessing within your own behavior or for anybody else around you, for that matter. You’re all making your way the best you can. And from our perspective, you are doing fabulously!

But the card itself, the message, Choose Love, that is a conscious decision at all times throughout your day. As difficult as it may seem in the moment, I admonish you, I encourage you, come back to your heart. And I know this is what you are struggling to learn. Perhaps “struggling” is too strong of a word. It’s what you are endeavoring to learn, how to live from your heart. But it starts with the choice: Choose Love. Choose your heart. This is the way you will find your way through all difficulties no matter how they arise.

And as you reread that card today, as always, there’s a particular part that jumps out. Again, you noticed the part that said to arise every day born anew. Consciously choose today is a new day, is a new opportunity to express that love to the world. Incorporate that into your daily practice.

Yes, lately you’ve been drifting, I will say, not adhering to your daily practice as much as you probably should. But that’s okay too. It is difficult given the energies, the change that is upon you, to remain focused all the time. What is it that you’ve often asked you to do, all of you to do? Sometimes it is best to just stare at the wall. Do nothing. Allow yourself to receive; allow that to integrate and work its way through your system.

The wisdom that you have gained in recent years and, in particular, in this year is phenomenal. And yes, you attribute that much to your team here before you, and it is true. You learn most, you learn best, by joining with others — those of like mind, your family, your friends. I encourage you to continue, and as you develop ideas for what to teach in the future, the main point (at least for you) is less about the curriculum that you will teach in any given offering and more about joining with your teammates in a creation for the highest good of all, including yourself.

I hope this has helped. Do any of the others have questions for me?

Archangel Mikael: More on Charity and Projecting Love

[This message is a continuation of my previous posting on Charity (from my personal guide Malika), but really puts a fine point on the fact that giving is just as much about receiving. Very cool! — Rob]

Rob: I’m inviting in Archangel Mikael. I had a feeling earlier he wanted to talk. The archangels always seem so large to me — I have to look up to see in their face.

So Mikael, do you have anything to share, perhaps why I keep getting the card on Charity?

AA Mikael: Welcome, Rob. Welcome, all. Yes, this is Mikael, Defender of Truth. I come to you today to talk to you as one of my own, for you, too, are a Defender of the Truth, one of my team.

Regarding your question about the card on Charity, we, collectively, keep sending you this card, for there are still lessons to learn. As we often say, there is always more — more to learn, more insights, nuances, that you perhaps haven’t noticed or seen before.

Today, as you read the card, the application associated with it, you picked up on the notion, the idea, that perhaps you should make it a daily practice that as you project the love out to the world, that you not do this so much in a general sense, although there is nothing wrong with that. Your practice is to breathe out the love, imagining it as a wave that ripples out in a circle all around you, out to the world, out to the universe, and that is a fine practice. But now, given your desire to feel, feel more from your heart and to get out of your head, that when you breathe out that love, project it TO someone or TO something.

And as the card teaches, any projection of love outward proceeds as an infinity symbol, such that once it is received on the other end, it is amplified, it is magnified, and that comes back to you. So as you project out the love, concentrate not just on whom you are sending it to, but on the love that is returned to you. FEEL that.

Every act of giving is also an act of receiving. Know that. FEEL that. Feel what is returned to you at all times. This, as a daily practice, as you breathe out consciously to project the love, feel what is returned. This is the next step on your journey of learning to live from your heart.

I hope this has helped. And I hope that it has helped all of you. As you have discussed, many of you struggle with learning to get out of your head and into your heart. Are there any questions at this point?